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Your Culture is the 
Cornerstone of High Performance

Companies prioritizing their Culture experienced a Revenue increase of 682%, compared to a 166% rise in companies where Culture was deemed less crucial.

Team Member

Lack of Motivation

Helping teams stay motivated is a top challenge for managers. 1 in 3 employees find it hard to stay motivated.

Man in Denim Shirt

Low Engagement

Gallop estimates that low engagement costs the global economy $8.8 trillion. That’s $1 lost for every $11 spent.


Performance Misalignment

Managers rely on activity metrics as their success measure, however individuals prefer to be measured based on achieving goals/KPIs.

You can't improve company culture without measuring it 

SKOR serves as your definitive barometer for organizational culture, offering predictive insights that not only forecast future success but also empower your business to benchmark against industry peers.

Our approach transforms the abstract into the actionable, ensuring you can navigate towards success with confidence and clarity.

This has been established using data researched with over 1000 CEO's.  

Your "Chief Performance Officer"

Elevate your company's culture, operational model, and goals with our expertise.

Let's redefine what high performance means for your organization.

Culture of Accountability

Implement tactics that engage your people and create a culture of accountability.

Operational Excellence

Harness strategies that drive operational performance and excellence.

Drive Peak Performance

Sustainable Growth in Revenues & in turn Accelerated EBITDA

Client Testimonials

"Bottom line, SKOR has been instrumental in starting to transform our company. We have a culture of growth and accountability.  Thanks to his expertise, we've seen increased productivity, elevated employee morale and are on a path to growth and increased profitability!   "

Drew Trautman 
CEO, 1800-GOT-JUNK (NJ Franchisee) 


Request a Consultation

Let's Unlock Your Company's Potential: Schedule a no-obligation consultation with our experts.

Thank You for Contacting SKOR! We'll be in touch very soon.

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